Gay porno colombiano

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Whilst its gay scene is not as big as Bogota's, there are still loads of gay hangouts, largely based in Poblado. The paisas (people of Medellin) are very welcoming and love to meet foreigners. This also makes it ideal for the stunning annual Flower Festival which takes place every August. Medellin's nickname nowadays is the “City of Eternal Spring” due to its temperate weather.

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However, over the past 15 years, it has undergone a huge transition to become one of the safest and most advanced places in the entire country. Medellin used to be considered the crime capital of Colombia, this is the city where drug lord Pablo Escobar reigned during the 70s and 80s.

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Our gay travel guide to Medellin features all the best gay bars, clubs, gay-friendly hotels to stay at, things to do, and more.

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